How SMS Messaging Unlocks Communication for the Hearing Impaired


  • Over 4 million people are suffering from hearing loss who may have difficulty listening on the phone, or who avoid talking to businesses altogether

  • Current technologies such as the National Relay Service and voice-to-text calls are clunky, outdated and time consuming

  • SMS means no-one mishears and everyone’s communicating exactly what they need to

How do you communicate with customers who can’t hear you? A hearing impairment can mean people must overcome barriers with businesses that aren’t equipped to help them. Jeeves.Plus unlocks communication for these customers with a one-stop messaging platform that allows the hearing impaired to chat freely with your staff.

The result? Your customers get the support they need and you save time and money.

Does hearing loss affect my customers?

Yes, it likely does!

While industries such as Healthcare and Aged Care will be disproportionately interacting with those with hearing loss, all businesses should be aware of the needs of the hearing impaired.

Hearing loss predominantly impacts those over 50 years of age, and that’s a huge scoop of most businesses customer base. Due to Australia’s ageing population, there will be higher rates of hearing impairment across the country in the coming years; 16% of Australians suffer from hearing loss today, and by 2050 it will increase to 25%.