Business Marketing tips

Hey! What About Me !!

Have you ever really sat still and said; "I am a marketer and how would I market to me! "

Yes interesting question, and in recent days explored that very question, realizing that I am personally a microcosm in the overall scheme of things, but as I have a small amount of disposable income, I am therefore a consumer, and hence deserve my microcosm of that elusive marketing dollar.

So map your day, when and where are your touch points, where a marketing message, can be injected. My first count was 12 in one day, some repeated, and does not take into account general marketing noise. Second count 21, yes 21 opportunities to influence me in one day, and I am sure being, post 60, just a tickle.

Try it out for yourself, next time you want to market something seriously.

Just wanted to share the experience.
